Cyber Security Résumé
19 Years of Experience
New York Institute of TechnologyB.S. Electronics & Information Security
Focused on Cyber Security, also studied electronic security systems and general IT/telecommunications.
New York UniversityComputer Science (incomplete)
Studied Computer Science, but ultimately left NYU to focus on cyber security. Also took film/TV and theatre courses.
2010 - Present
Counter HackCyber Range Support and QA Lead
Help develop, operationalize, and provide quality assurance testing for various SANS Cyber Range products, especially SANS NetWars. Also work on SANS Holiday Hack Challenge, Cyber Quests, and various logistics and operations to keep everything running smoothly.
2005 - 2010
Ed SkoudisIntern
Wide variety of tasks, focused mostly on helping build and update labs for SANS SEC504 and SEC560 courses, QA testing, and various logistics.
GIAC Penetration Tester Certification (GPEN)
Analyst ID: 9390
March 23, 2015
Talks / Appearances
October 24, 2023
Wait Just an InfoSecLet's Settle This in the Cyber Range
Appeared on an episode of SANS' Wait Just an InfoSec show on a panel about Cyber Ranges